
eu Default locale
en Fallback locale


Defined 14

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
eu messages 1 rss.title Symfony Demo bloga
eu messages 1 menu.homepage Hasi
eu messages 1 Bilatu
eu messages 1 menu.choose_language Hautatu hizkuntza
eu messages 1 help.app_description <strong>Demo aplikazio</strong> hau Symfony frameworkarekin programatu da Symfony aplikazioak programatzeko modu gomendatua erakusteko.
eu messages 1 help.more_information Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, <a href="">Symfonyren dokumentazioa</a> kontsultatu.
eu messages 1 help.show_code Sakatu botoi hau <strong>kontrolatzailearen</strong> eta <strong>txantiloiaren</strong> iturburu-kodea ikusteko.
eu messages 1 action.show_code Iturburu-kodea ikusi
eu messages 1 title.source_code Orrialde hau erakusteko erabilitako kodea
eu messages 1 action.close Itxi
eu messages 1 title.controller_code Kontrolatzailearen kodea
eu messages 1 title.twig_template_code Twig txantiloiaren kodea
eu messages 1 menu.rss Blogaren RSS
eu messages 1 mit_license MIT lizentzia

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.